Change of heart ?
This year, I haven't been forced to watch the human zoo that is Big Brother.
However, I did catch the show last night, and I've got to say that this year, I LIKE Big Brother.
No, really.
Channel 4 should be awarded for the show this year.
Not for the broadcast itself, or the production, or the design, or the "up to date" theme music. No, no, no and no.
Channel 4 should be given an award for taking this current bunch of thick, ignorant, sub-human tools off the streets of Britain for three months.
Hopefully when they come out, everyone will have seen them for the wanabee tossers they undoubtedly are, and start employing the 20 foot barge pole technique.
Or, preferably, the baseball bat to the head technique usually reserved for far more intelligent animals on Arctic ice-flows.
However, I did catch the show last night, and I've got to say that this year, I LIKE Big Brother.
No, really.
Channel 4 should be awarded for the show this year.
Not for the broadcast itself, or the production, or the design, or the "up to date" theme music. No, no, no and no.
Channel 4 should be given an award for taking this current bunch of thick, ignorant, sub-human tools off the streets of Britain for three months.
Hopefully when they come out, everyone will have seen them for the wanabee tossers they undoubtedly are, and start employing the 20 foot barge pole technique.
Or, preferably, the baseball bat to the head technique usually reserved for far more intelligent animals on Arctic ice-flows.
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