Lucky Col
Dance as though nobody's watching, love like it's never going to hurt

Monday, September 25, 2006

Complete rubbish, isn't it

A new book claims Robin Hood didn't live in or around Nottingham, but instead came from Wales.

This Welsh outlaw lived 100 years earlier than the Robin Hood legend would have you believe and had a different name.

Couldn't be a different person, then ? Or is that too obvious a solution ?

Far easier to latch on to an existing legend and claim it for yourself. Just ask the people who build airports in Doncaster.

Go anywhere in the world, say you're from Nottingham and the first thing people will ask you about is Robin Hood. Speak to anyone about Robin Hood worldwide and replies are always the same, Sherwood Forest, Maid Marion & The Sheriff of NOTTINGHAM.

There is no case to answer on this, the claim Robin hood was Welsh is complete rubbish, a stunt to publicise an otherwise unsellable book.

Wales' current cultural icon is Charlotte Church and her woeful attempt at hosting a chat show.

It's no wonder they want to cling on to the coat tails of a proper legend.


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