Lucky Col
Dance as though nobody's watching, love like it's never going to hurt

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Wrong wrong wrong wrong WRONG

This is so so wrong. (From the BBC)

A Newcastle couple have found a unique way of keeping their beloved dead pets close to their hearts - by having the dog hair made into woolly jumpers.

Beth and Brian Willis lost their white Samoyed, called Kara, 12 years ago and Swedish Lapphund, Penny, in 2002.

After seeing a picture of Princess Diana wearing a dog fur stole at Crufts, they collected thousands of dog hairs from brushes and carpets.

The pair said the his and hers dog memorials were "warm and waterproof".

Mr Willis, who worked for Pickfords Removals for 27 years, wears his doggy jumper into town every Saturday to do the weekly shop.

The 73-year-old said: "They are extremely warm and pretty much waterproof. I've always got a sweat on by the time I get from the bus to the shops."

And their justification for this ?

"..... it seems very normal to us".

Normal ?

Normal ?

Picking up your dog's hairs and knitting them into jumpers, f***ing normal ?

He's quite happy sweating into his plush dog hair jumper in the journey from the bus to the shops, but presumably he's got to make the return journey back on his bus, stinking of sweated up dog hair. He'll be easy to pick out, he'll be the one sniffing other passengers a***s while licking his own knackers.

Bagsy me not sat next to the stinking-dog-haired-wearing-lunatic.


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