Lucky Col
Dance as though nobody's watching, love like it's never going to hurt

Friday, October 24, 2008

If it ain’t broke …..

From the BBC

Pubs could soon offer drinkers two thirds of a pint if measures are changed after a consultation exercise.

The National Weights and Measures Laboratory (NWML) is considering new food and drink measures to give consumers more choice.

The NWML will look at introducing two thirds of a pint alongside current measures like half or full pints.

If customers don’t want to drink a full pint, some pubs have got a completely radical solution:

Buy a half pint.

Obviously this is something I don’t condone, a pint is a taste as far as I’m concerned, half a pint to me is classed as “spillage”.

But seriously, what will happen here is the same thing that has happened to milk at your local corner shop. Where one day you would be paying 35p for a pint of milk, along comes new EU legislation that packages have to be labelled in metric measurements and boom, you’re now paying 35p for 1/2 a litre, nearly 10% less milk for the same price.

So following on with the same profiteering mentality the drinks industry has fallen into over the last 30 odd years, the “choice” of being able to buy 2/3 of a pint will be replaced with paying the same extortionate price for 33% less beer.

Just say no.


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