Lucky Col
Dance as though nobody's watching, love like it's never going to hurt

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Two important lines

From the BBC:

Playboy accidentally played out on children's TV

TV bosses in the US have apologised after preview clips of the Playboy channel were accidentally played out on two children's channels.

A Time Warner Cable (TWC) spokesman said a "technical glitch" was to blame for the mistake, which lasted two hours in parts of North Carolina on Tuesday.

The company was made aware of the error after parents called in to report it.

More ...

Now there's two important lines in this report, the first:

The company was made aware of the error after parents called in to report it.

while the second is:

... a "technical glitch" was to blame for the mistake, which lasted two hours ...

Two hours ? Why did it take so long ?!!!!!


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