Lucky Col
Dance as though nobody's watching, love like it's never going to hurt

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

We're all fucked with these two in charge

One of the main reasons the Forest play-off defeat didn’t effect me THAT much was by the time we got home we had a Tory government. Not a “coalition”, not “shared power”, but a full blown privately educated led F***ING TORY GOVERNMENT.

Gordon Brown plays by the rules, hell no, abides by the constitution of the country and tries to form a government, but soon gives up as Nick Clegg sidles up to David Cameron in the same way David Steel’s Spitting Image puppet used to ram its tongue up David Owen’s a**e. It’s the equivalent of going to Relate with your wife, only to find she’s already gone abroad with her fancy-man.

But how did Nick Clegg believe he has the right, the MANDATE to even ask to form a government with anyone.

Because of the stupid b******s who voted Liberal Democrat at the last election because they {pathetic squeaky voice} wanted change {\pathetic squeaky voice}. Because the country was being f***ed over by someone who’s seemingly biggest faults were his funny smile and insufficient eye quantity. And even then it took the Sun newspaper to point those things out for them.

Some people changed their vote on the back of Mr Brown getting caught calling some bigoted woman a “bigoted woman”. Others because he then went to apologise. Sorry, but anyone who changes their vote based on these factors and not the record of their local MP over the previous FIVE F***ING YEARS shouldn’t be allowed the vote in the first place.

Some people hadn’t even decided by the big day itself. These people shouldn’t even be allowed out the house, let alone allowed in polling stations, they’d be too busy stood in the middle of busy roads indecisively bobbing one way then the other. It must have been these t***s who turned up at polling booths late and couldn’t vote.

So now Gordon Brown’s gone.

To me this is like the Captain of the Titanic after hitting the iceberg of American capitalist greed, successfully managing to keep the ship not only afloat, but also heading towards port, only for the passengers to vote him out and replace him with two blokes from First Class who’ve never sailed before. They even had their first press conference at the Stern for f***s sake.

And it’s all down to the pathetic w*****s who sold out their class, their history, their country, those who couldn’t vote Tory but didn’t vote as their fathers, and their fathers had before, and voted Liberal Democrat.

Well, they didn’t. They voted TORY. They added to Nick Clegg’s percentage, to his mandate, a closet, now quite open TORY.

If you’re one of these people, don’t worry, your TORY membership cards and subscriptions to the Daily Mail will be in the post.



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