Lucky Col
Dance as though nobody's watching, love like it's never going to hurt

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

This is no longer a mans world

Proof, if proof were needed, that now in the twenty first century, it’s no longer men who wear the trousers.

Men have been battling the vicious man-flu for years, some even unable to get down the pub for a pint because of their near-death predicament. And yet as soon as a flu comes along that can be caught by both men AND women, whoosh, you can’t move for the clearly female led World Health Organisation swarming all over it. Like a rash.

There's a phone number to ring if you've got any concerns over swine flu. I tried ringing it, but all I got was crackling.

One woman tells of symptoms involving a sore head, achy limbs and not wanting to get out of bed. And what happened ? She got prescribed tablets. Hardly that bad then, normal man-flu is so bad it has NO cure.

I had similar symptoms a few weeks back, nauseous, head-ache and I just couldn’t raise my self out of my pit. I reckon I must have caught something in one of the 16 pubs I visited the day before.

So, welcome to the mans world, missy.

Women, eh ? Bit of pain comes along and they don’t know they’re born !


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