Lucky Col
Dance as though nobody's watching, love like it's never going to hurt

Monday, July 27, 2009

A quick joke

(From the BBC)

What do you get if you privatise the railways ?

Companies ripping off the customers to maximise the profit.

Sorry it’s not a funny joke as such, but then it never was. Privatising the railways was ALWAYS going to result in companies fleecing customers for all their worth in order to support their fat greedy share-holders, that’s how private business works. D’uh !!!

There are cheap deals to be had, but they’re like finding the golden ticket under the wrapper of a bar of Wonka chocolate.

If you’ve never voted Tory in your life, and you’re being ripped off by the train operators, utility suppliers, dentists etc, I feel sorry for you. If you have voted Tory, then shut the f**k up and accept your punishment.


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