Lucky Col
Dance as though nobody's watching, love like it's never going to hurt

Monday, October 19, 2009

Oldest watch ?

From the BBC:

Art experts think they may have found the world's oldest painting to feature an image of a watch.

The Science Museum is investigating the 450-year-old portrait, thought to be of Cosimo I de Medici, Duke of Florence, holding a golden timepiece.

Curators have sent their findings to renaissance experts at the Uffizi gallery in Florence, and are awaiting their comments.

The painting is being shown as part of the museum's Measuring Time gallery.

The first watches appeared shortly after 1500 in Germany and horologists believe the picture, painted by renaissance master Maso da San Friano around 1560, "may well be the oldest to show a true watch".

That's all well and good, but if you look not that closely, you'll clearly see his iPod headphones hanging down.


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