Lucky Col
Dance as though nobody's watching, love like it's never going to hurt

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Taekwondo grading #2

Monday night saw my lad & I's second Taekwondo grading. The first had been a fairly nerve-wracking affair, but I'm getting into the swing of it now.

I'm still not as fit as I should be, and after a couple of minutes of one-for-one sparring followed by the free variety, I was well and truly knackered.

But, we both passed, so we've moved up to yellow belts. Our ambition this year is to get up to Green belts so we can move up to the second class.

But the best bit of having a completely yellow belt ?

No sewing !!!

* I did suffer my first Taekwondo related injury on Sunday. I've got a cracking ironing scar on my right hand from ironing my suit.


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