Lucky Col
Dance as though nobody's watching, love like it's never going to hurt

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Should Prince Harry go to Iraq ?

The arguments saying he should include his own personal desire as an army officer and trying to ensure that he is treated the same as other army personnel, despite the obvious preferential treatment of fast-tracking an in-bred, thick, drunkard, fascist sympathiser through officer school.

On the other side is the genuine fear that he and his unit would attract unwanted attention by the enemy. They might shoot at him, something that is clearly not happening to the rest of the British army, who are getting shot at, not only by the enemy, but Americans as well.

I think I have a solution.

Find the most barren area in Iraq, parachute Prince Harry in on his own wearing a vest emblazoned with three red concentric circles and wait for every Iraqi insurgent to chase after him.

If nothing else, it'll keep them off the regular army's back for a couple of days. Enough time to pull them out safely.


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