Lucky Col
Dance as though nobody's watching, love like it's never going to hurt

Thursday, December 31, 2009

You can't win ....

From the BBC ...

Home drinkers 'over-pour spirits'

Most people who drink spirits at home pour well over what they would get in a pub when trying to give a single measure, figures suggest.

The government's Know Your Limits Campaign found that among 600 people tested, the average amount poured was 38ml, compared with a standard 25ml.

Those aged 31 to 50 - the most generous pourers - gave an average of 57ml.

For a person thinking they were drinking 7.5 units a week, the larger measures would equate to 17 units.

You get moaned at for drinking too much, but if you try vaulting over the bar to borrow one of their optics, you get barred.

You just can't win, can you ?!!!


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