Lucky Col
Dance as though nobody's watching, love like it's never going to hurt

Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Bridal Shop

A bit of a quiet time music wise this time of year, and the 'samey' nature of a lot of the bands coming through isn't blowing my head away, there's a lot of 'classic' listening going on at the moment.

Maybe I'm getting old, as I slide uncontrollably towards my 39th birthday, or maybe I never liked the idea of skinny jeans in the first place, my legs are too muscular to pull them off, or on first, let's be honest.

So god bless the 'indie-mp3 keeping C86 alive' website.

More chaff than wheat, admittedly, but there's some absolute gems on there.

The latest, The Bridal Shop.

See what you think here.



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